Going further – Bible Courses

Do you want to find answers to the big questions of life – from God personally? Get the know his Word, the Bible.

Learn about the world’s best seller in your own time, from the privacy and comfort of your own home, by working on the Bible Courses from EnjoyYourBible.

EnjoyYourBible is a FREE Bible correspondence course that is entirely online. The purpose of the courses is to outline clearly what the Bible teaches on a range of topics which are fundamental to Christianity, and to do so simply by directing to the relevant passages in the Bible, and allowing the user to find out for themselves. This gives confidence that what is being taught is directly from Scripture and not just human opinions. There are a range of courses currently available including the following:

  • Basic Bible Course,
  • Christian Living Course and
  • Romans Course.

These courses are completely free and are suitable for complete beginners and also for those who have been Christians for many years.

Why do our courses?
What makes Enjoy Your Bible courses so much different?

  1. Discover the Bible yourself
    We want to help connect you with the Bible, as this is how God speaks to us. The questions require you to open the Bible, consider the meaning behind the words and discover for yourself what God is saying in the passage. Our role is simply to point you in the right direction, check your understanding and answer any questions.
  2. We are not just another video site
    We don’t just want you to scroll through video content of people’s opinions, whether they be right or wrong. We want to help you discover the Bible for yourself rather than teach you what we think it means!
  3. Personalised feedback and guidance
    Our reviewers look over your answers and provide personal feedback on each answer, as well as answering any questions you may have. Our reviewers are here to help you, and we are prepared to take whatever time is needed to help you understand.

We don’t want you to scroll through content of people’s opinions – rather, we want to help you discover the Bible for yourself as you open it (whether online or a paper version) in order to understand what God is saying there.